Completed Project Descriptions

Shepherds of Men
Even a casual read of Scripture reveals that God has always had a special place in His heart for shepherds. Being a shepherd in Lesotho is a harsh life of isolation and poverty that can begin for boys as young as age 5 or 6. Marginalized within their own Basotho culture and separated from village life they tend their masters' flocks high in the rugged mountains where they find good grazing.

This life makes it nearly impossible for them to attend school so their literacy rates are very low. They do, however, have a strong custom of oral story-telling and song through which knowledge and skills are passed along.

AIM missionaries established small literacy schools in about 20 villages where local shepherds are learning basic reading and writing. Today, Basotho volunteers manage and run these "Herd Boy" schools. The missionaries are now making plans for a Bible training program for shepherds to teach them basic Christian doctrine and Bible stories which they can share, leveraging their traditional story-telling skills and equipping them to evangelize other shepherds, their communities and villages. Learn how shepherds of flocks may one day become Shepherds of Men.

Filming for this project was completed in partnership with our friends from AIM OnField Media. This is also an experiment in cross-continental post production as we collaborate with the OFM team in Nairobi on editing this project.
Four Stories, One Heart
This video documents the connection between four individual missionaries with diverse professional skills and interests as they work together to complete the work God has called them to. AIM Air is the missionary aviation service operating out of Nairobi, Kenya in support of the work of Africa Inland Mission as well as other partner missions.

From the aircraft mechanics, to the pilots to the front-line missionaries and the nationals whose lives they impact, each of their stories is unique and yet connected. This project was produced by the AIM On Field Media team. We assisted with story development and shooting some aviation footage.
Shiloh's Tale
Shiloh is no ordinary dog. She has an important mission in support of her owner Les Castro to impact lives of young people struggling to come to terms with and learn from the consequences of bad choices in their lives. “Shiloh’s Tale” is the story of a unique dog and her owner as they partner together to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to at-risk and incarcerated young people. It shows that no matter what your interests are in life, if you dedicate them to God, He will provide a way to use them for His Glory.

“Do not go timidly where God leads boldly.”
Dr. Bill Bright, Founder
Campus Crusade For Christ