Click on the thumbnails to visit these sites
Feel free to visit the sites of our friends, ministry partners and sponsors.

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Bikers For Christ Texas
A ministry focused on bringing the message of redemption, hope and salvation to those who live to ride motorcycles, even those who consider themselves hard-core bikers.
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integer Solutions, LLC
integer Solutions is a consulting practice that supports our ministry.
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AIM, On Field Media
We are honored to partner with our friends at AIM by adding production resources that extend their capacity to create media projects.
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Our mission is to bring men together in Christ. Wingmen allows us to facilitate the growth of masculine relationships needed to be successful.
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Faithful Friend Ministry
Partnering with Faithful Friend in the production of "Shiloh's Tale" was a real blessing.

“Our video effectively communicates the nature and impact of our ministry. It provides a great overview for potential donors and new volunteers alike. Lives are being changed and the video gives people a chance to see what we are actually doing and what their money is going toward.” Les Castro, Faithful Friend Ministry.